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86 Drift, AE86, Drifting -


We are super excited to announce our Corolla Drift (Toyota slow bois & girls) festival 'Corollapalooza' held at Raleigh International Raceway - August 5th.

COST - Driver entry will be $220 or $250 with a Corollapalooza Wreck 'Em T-Shirt

CARS ALLOWED: AE86 - KE70 - AE71 - TE72 - RA6X - RT/ST14X

(Pre 1990 rear wheel drive Toyota Passenger car that came originally with a 4 Cylinder engine)

HOW TO ENTER - Due to the amount of interest we have closed driver entries. Thanks for your interest!


Drivers will know if they’ve secured a spot within 10 days. You will have 2 weeks to pay before your spot is offered to the next person